Thank You, oh Diva of 1950's Atomic Ranch House for putting the spotlight on this humble blog with your most esteemed, magnificent and hip-happening site! (Isn't it nice to have friends in high places?) :)
Ahem, I didn't miss this following remark either:
"And if I am not mistaken, his whole house is decorated mid-century! If so, we want a tour!!"Well ummm, that sounds like a challenge! Am I ready to present the man-cave for public viewing? Errr, not really... but I guess it's put-up or shut-up time, huh? Okay then... let it be known that I hereby declare there will be a tour of the pad forthcoming in the hopefully not too distant future (now where did I put that Electrolux???).
But in the meantime, here's my little kidney-shape table picked up off of Craigslist a few days ago. Nothing fancy, but look at those slim stilletto legs - not too shabby for $15.
Yes, we want a tour of your man-cave lol... It's interesting to see the different ways different people furnish and decorate their mid-century homes. We mostly see women doing the decorating, but few men, so it's even more important! We want to see how a modern day Donald Draper lives mid-century hee hee.
And wow! Great score on that table! Oooo ahhh love the lamp too!
That is a sweet little table for sure!
That's right, this blog circuit needs more dudes! I can't wait to see the man cave :-)
This 'sample shot' is a great teaser. I'm loving what I see already.
LoL... Don Draper I am Not! And we just live in a plain comfy little ol' ranch, nothing at all fancy here with our modern decor.
Thanks for all the compliments though! :)
loved the table and the lamp...sigh!! want to touch and see the marvel
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