Yep, it definitely is getting wintry outdoors now. Today the temp dipped from a grand high of 11 degrees (and plummeting), the blizzard winds are making the house creak, and the snow is whipping across the landscape in wispy white torrents trying to snake it's way into every crack and corner. But it's not getting into my home sweet home... Especially not after an emergency call to the furnace man to kick my heater a few times and getting it to work again!
As suddenly as if waking from a dream I realized that Mr. Winter has indeed arrived and Christmas is tagging inevitably along, not too far behind. Maybe I should start throwing a few decorations on the house?
It had all started a week ago with an unplanned visit to a Christmas tree stand and being uncontrollably drawn by a tree which beckoned me to please take it home. From that point on, there was no turning back.
Yes indeedy. Christmas has definitely arrived at the atomic man cave :)
I've clung to my Grandma's genuine aluminum tinsel Christmas year after year (and have incurred some unfair ridicule from friends over it!) Oh the memories of setting it up with her in the corner of the living room and hanging those really old decorations. But this holiday for some inexplicable reason I had a craving to go traditional and trim the real deal. There's nothing in the world like the smell of a real Scotch pine living inside your home, after all...
And Grandma's decorations look just as much at home on a traditional tree, don't ya think?
Oh, and here's the Sputnik lamp, decked out in an appropriately colorful attire of Christmas lights.
I've been waiting almost the whole year to fire up the electric fireplace...
Keep warm and toasty out there. Wear those wool socks and the long underwear, 'cuz Summer's a whole 4 months off yet. Until then, Ho ho ho ...and pass on down another margarita!
*drools over the fireplace*
Your home is really very cool.
Drools over fireplace, sputnik light, tree, tree, so cool!!!
Thank you very much Moon Doggie and Barbara! I think the fireplace is finally looking right at home in it's little corner.
your sputnick with colored lights is cool as all get out! Loving it, I thinkim gonnd do some reasearcha nd next year get a reall tree (for Thanksmass) at the Casablanca but get one that we can plant out in the yard after using it as a christmas tree.
Thanks Mick! I love your live tree idea... here we'd have to wait until the ground thawed before transplanting.
Merry Christmas! Your pad looks amazing!
Thank You Amber, and Merry Christmas right backatcha!
Ooh, I'm jealous of your chiminea and good idea with the colored lights on the sputnik. I wanted to get a real tree this year instead of using my aluminum tree, but I figured the cats and dog would take it down! Yours looks downright cozy! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Susie and Thanks! Dogs and Christmas trees are always a bad combination ;P
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