December 5, 2011

Invading a Christmas Tree Near You!

Look what I found at a local retailer this year. Three contemporary yet authentic glass ornaments with a FAB retro space-age theme, ready to hang on the aluminum Christmas tree. These are full size ornaments, not plastic knockoffs. I almost fainted with holiday joy when I spotted these! Somebody pinch me ;)


Atomic Mama said...

Those are great!

melina bee said...

wow, those are amazing! so cheerful and atomic

Amber Von Felts said...

I want the robot one SO BAD!

59KUSTOM said...

OK, we're all thinking it, I'm gonna ask! Where did you find those awesome ornaments?

Space Commander said...

I found them at a regional retailer called Gordmans, but I have seen others available online if you do a search through Google Shopping for "retro ornaments, space, rocket, robot". The downside is most of these cost a little more :(

Amber, the store had two different robots, but this one looked way more classic than the other.

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