September 7, 2009

Holiday at the Lake - Part 2

And while were down camping at the lake this glorious Labor Day weekend, I thought it'd be appropriate to share another photo from the family album (now stop your groaning, this won't take long). Here's a shot of my Grampa during a family outing fishing, probably for sunfish or bluegill sometime in the mid Fifties. He was a lifelong barber with his own shop downtown, worked hard but knew when to slow down and enjoy life. He was every guy's buddy, loved kids and a laugh I'll never forget.

Every one should have been blessed with a grand dad like him!

September 6, 2009

Holiday at the Lake

This holiday weekend the father and son team went camping at beautiful but buggy Branched Oak Lake. We had plans to do a little fishing for big fish.

Here's my little ammo box - four generations of fishing wizardry are squeezed in Dad's old tacklebox. There's goodies that were my grandpa's, my dad's, a bunch of shiny gadgets I got when I was but a wee lad, some fake worms made in shop class, the vintage silverware tray donated from Mom's kitchen drawer, home-made wizardry and more recently Junior's Plankton lure from his first SpongeBob rod & reel.

So... what do I recommend as the #1 best bet in your sporting equipment arsenal??

A fat earthworm on a hook.

It worked for us!
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