April 9, 2010

Fired Up

Warmer weather may be on the way, but these Hot fireplaces are never out of season

In the 50's, Lovett designed the metal, freestanding fireplace, sometimes called a "firehood" with it's inverted space-aged coneshape with a parabolic opening to reveal the warm glow.

One of the big wannahaves of my lifelong MCM Dreamhome list has just been checked off. I've seen similar models, but last week when I stepped into my favorite retro shop "The Nest" I was lured, enticed and teased by these lovelies - two metal stand-alone fireplaces with that classic Lovett inspired design.

Firehood Find, originally uploaded by Space Commander.

One was a faultless white porcelein wood-burning beut by Majestic. She would be ideal for placement against a wall ("D"-shaped). The other was a red-orange electric by Preway ( "()"-shaped). There's been a vacant corner in my livingroom which has defied everything I've tried to make a home there. Everything was there, the retractable chimney, the screen, electric logs and the hidden heater unit. No dings, no rust. And with it being "off season" I got it for half the asking price. What a deal! Both fireplaces were likely manufactured by these companies in the '70's, but they are unmistakable in the inspriation of their design.

Here's one link I found helpful while researching my Preway and Majestic finds:
Tiki Central Forums - A Shag Style Fireplace

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